Thursday 20 March 2014

Baby gorilla Born in America

What: A Gorilla born in America

When: March 17th 2014
How: it was born

Who: A baby gorilla

Were: America

Click here for the full page

What are you waiting for go ahead!

World Wide Web turns 25!!!

What: The internet has turned 25 years old!!

When: On the 17th March 2104
internet british
Were: Everywhere

How: Its been here for 25 years

Who: The internet

Here is the link to the full thing

What are you waiting for? Click it and see the whole page!

Thursday 13 March 2014

My Graph

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Conspiracy 365 March - personal response

Genre - Adventure and mystery

Question - This book is important because?
Because to me it teaches you a valuable lesson about doing naughty things although he did do nothing.

On Conspiracy 365 march he was saved bye a man called Repro from a gruesome death which is at the end of February Repro feed him gave him food water and warmth they set of to find another place to hide for a  bit but they got split up found each other again then Repro sowed him a secret entrance to his house it was uhhhh messy.......

He ended up meeting with a friend in a lab they got split up and cal accidentally unleashed venomous snakes!
he got poisoned but in time he saved himself with anti-venom.

He went to one of the people's houses that are trying to kill him  and stole part of a riddle to get him closer to clearing  his name.

Click Banana for my A-Z