Wednesday 19 February 2014

Conspiracy 365 Feburary - personal response

Genre - Adventure and mystery

Conspiracy 365 is a book series set in months 1 for each month its about a boy who has to run from the people that killed his father and now they will kill him.....
he has to solve the riddle of his father to stop get the cops on his side because  the cops think he killed his own father and the criminals know if he solves the riddle then the cops will be on his side and his journey will be over.The  man who gave him the message was chasing him down a street he said that they killed your father they will kill you. you must survive the next 365 days and solve the mystery of your father to be free from the cops and criminals.

Question - In the next chapter I think their should be a new character instead of really just 1 or 2

Click here for my A-Z

1 comment:

  1. Hi Riley
    I did not know you have a dog.
    I have 2 GIANT dogs
    Do you have more than one dog?


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.